Outside Coverage — The Hockey Foundation

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Outside Coverage

List of websites/blogs that have supported & posted something regarding "The Hockey Volunteer" project (earliest post first, please scroll down):

Chris Lucas of LucasonSports.com - "Have Skates Will Travel"

Sarah Elizabeth Foster of SarahElizabethFoster.com - "Adam Sherlip"
Michele Catalano of ABigVictory.blogspot.com - "Hockey and Hope "
Russell Scibetti of TheBusinessofSports.com - "The Culture of Sports: Start Them Young"
Paul Kukla & Alanah McGinley of KuklasKorner.com - "Making the World Better Through Hockey"Joe Flasher of JoeFlasher.com - "Using Hockey as an Instrument For Change"
Heather B. of TopShelfCookies.blogspot.com - "And Now For Something Completely Different..."
PJ Swenson of Sharkspage.com - "Hockey Notes - December 18" - scroll down in the article
Kyle Kosior of IllegalCurve.com - "Afternoon Delight Thirstday"
Tyler McKinna of NHLDigest.com - "Hockey Volunteer Warming Hearts Around the World"
Damon Donovan of HockeyHeaven.blogspot.com - "Hockey for the Holidays"
Dee Karl of 7thWoman.blogspot.com - "The Brotherhood of Hockey - Perfect for Christmas"/"The International Brotherhood of Hockey"

The success of this program is contingent upon the support of warm-hearted, idealistic people & everyone listed above fits that description! Please return the favor and visit their websites and see what they are up to and writing about!

If you have a website and have written about this program, please tell me & I'll link back (plus I want to thank you for your support)! If you would like to write something on your website, please contact me as well, as I'm more than happy and available to contribute to your blog.

Special thanks to Russel Scibetti (@rscibetti) of The Business of Sports, Paul Kukla & Alanah McGinley (@alanah1) of Kukla's Korner, and Tyler McKinna (@nhldigest) for allowing me to be a guest blogger on their sites, and to Sarah Elizabeth Foster of SarahElizabethFoster.com for conducting the video interview.